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     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile and desktop sizes.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Building a new life isn’t easy. In fact, it’s really HARD… because in order to become a new person, with a new life, you have to let go of your old persona and your old life.

But on the other side of that struggle, is the life of your dreams. And isn’t that worth it?

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


It’s December.

Time to run around thinking about gifts for everyone else, attending parties other people invite you to, or throwing the perfect dinner for your guests.

Just don’t forget the most important person in your life, ok? (Spoiler alert… it’s YOU)

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile and desktop sizes.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile and desktop sizes.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Life is short.

You know it.

So maybe seeing a reminder every day will help that message sink in.

So you can start reaching for more happiness =)

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


A reminder to go out there and live your damn life!

Because it’s no one else’s except your own. And you might not have it for as long as you think…

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


I know this personally, because I got a perfect score on the SAT… and I still didn’t feel like enough. (Read more about that story here).

So here’s a little reminder that you don’t have to be perfect.

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


That’s a GOOD thing… cause it’s telling you exactly where your heart wants to go.

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Just a little reminder to take care of YOU this Valentine’s Day ;)

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Feeling the fear HARD, but doing it anyway. That’s the reality behind the word “fearless” amirite?

Click* on the image to access the downloadable wallpaper in mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Just a little reminder that, no matter how lofty the goal, it always gets done one mothafuckin’ step at a time. So just keep taking that next step, m’kay?

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


It’s December! And that means festivity! All around! Everywhere! All the time!

Whether you’re into the holidays or not, let this wallpaper help you express yourself. It might be tongue in cheek, it might be sincerely joyful. However you wanna take it, this one’s for you ;)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Guys, I’m gonna be honest… September was a rough month for me, emotionally. I had to turn my focus to other, more pressing things that came up in my personal life, so my business took a back seat. I still did things and sent emails and created content, but there were little mistakes everywhere. And you know what? That’s ok…

I created this month’s wallpaper specifically to remind myself (and you!) that it’s not about being perfect. Sometimes, all you can do is show up with what you’ve got, even if it’s full of flaws.

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


This is just a reminder in case you ever forget.

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


It's that funny time of year, when summer is winding down, school is starting again, and new things might be looming on the horizon. If you're thinking about trying something different, maybe a little scary... this wallpaper is a little daily encouragement just for you!

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


What better way to celebrate July than with a smack-you-in-the-face KABOOM! It's gettin' warmer, vacations are on the horizon, and for me, now's the time to buckle down and get poppin' before slowing down for the lazy month ahead.

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


No captions needed - just enjoy some this fancy, flowery fuck whenever you need a little pick-me-up =)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Otherwise, how are you ever going to know all the fuckin' magic and possibility that's going on inside of you? 'Cause it's in there, baby!

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

     *By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


This is a message that I need to have staring me right in the face every. single. day. It's something I deeply want to believe, and if having it on my computer and phone will help me get there... then fuck yeah!

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


This month's message is a deeply personal one... once I figured out what I really wanted and had the faith to follow that... magical shit started happening. There's something powerful about identifying our true selves and BEING that! Can I get an amen? ;)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Sometimes you just need a little reminder from the outside that you're doing a fuckin' awesome job! So here ya go - go be your awesome self today! =)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


It's the beginning of a new year and change is on my mind. So where does change really begin?  I'm starting to believe that it can only happen within ourselves and not just through our actions, but through our thoughts. So here's a little reminder that we already have everything we need to change our lives. You've got the power, baby!

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.


*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


And just do your thing! This is something I've been needing to hear a lot lately. It's so easy to compare yourself to all the shininess around you and get deeply discouraged. But don't! Just put your head down and keep doing what brings you joy... and just watch what happens. Awesomeness. That's what happens. =)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Just a little encouragement for your October. There will always be fears, doubts, uncertainties; no one ever feels 100% ready. So, if you're hesitating about doing something, but deep down, you know you can... then fuckin' go for it!

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.


Something a little more moody and romantic for the end of the summer.  Cause... you're pretty fuckin' amazing, you know that?  ;)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.

AUGUST 2017 - Having a fuckin' ball!

It's the last month of summer - go out there and have a blast... and whatever it is you're doing, remember you're fuckin' awesome!

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.



Go out there and DO YOUR THANG!!

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.


A reminder that we're all part of something greater - helps you see through a lot of the bullshit ;)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.


The fanciest of gilded fucks to light up your days (and nights)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.

MARCH 2017 - You got this.

Sometimes you need words of encouragement. Staring you in the face. Modern brush script, simple message - You got this ;)

Click* on the images below to access the downloadable wallpaper in either computer or mobile size.


*By clicking through, you agree that this item is for personal use only. All images are the original creations and protected intellectual property of Crooked Calligraphy and may not be resold in whole or in part for any reason. You agree that you will not redistribute or share these files; claim these designs as your own; use any part of these designs without the express written permission of Crooked Calligraphy, or sell any design, digital or printed, for financial or other gain.