Q: I can’t find sumi ink, can I use [Higgins Eternal, Winsor & Newton, etc.] ink instead?

A: I recommend Sumi Ink because it’s a great consistency straight out of the bottle and works well for most beginners. But if you can’t find it, you can use any calligraphy ink you want!


Q: I can’t find the Nikko G nib, can I use another nib instead?

A: The Nikko G is a great nib for beginners because it’s sturdy and not too delicate. If you can’t find it, the Zebra G or Tachikawa G are very similar. If you can’t find those, you can use any POINTED, FLEXIBLE nib you want!


Q: Can I use a straight holder instead of an oblique?

A: An oblique holder helps right-handed people to get the correct slant on their letters. That’s why I recommend it. But, if you want to use a straight holder, you absolutely can.

Q: Can I use a fountain pen instead of an oblique holder and pointed nib?

A: If your fountain pen has a pointed, flexible nib then yes, you can use it for the Challenge. But, monoline fountain pen nibs do not use the same techniques, so a lot of the Challenge material will not apply.


Q: I can’t find the HP Premium 32 Paper you recommend, what other paper can I use?

A: Look for any 28-32 LB office paper (120 gsm if you’re outside the U.S.).

Rhodia paper also works great for calligraphy, but if you want to print the worksheets on that paper, you’ll have to see if it works with your particular printer.

You can also print out the worksheets on regular paper and then use LAYOUT BOND (not tracing paper!) on top for your actual calligraphy.


Q: I can’t get any of the tools you recommend…. or

….. I only have brush pens

…. I only have parallel pens

…. I only have broad-edge nibs

…. Can I still participate?

A: The Challenge will be focused on how to use pointed-pen calligraphy tools specifically (a flexible, pointed nib in a straight or oblique nib holder), so you can still watch all of the videos, but it will be much harder to follow along if you don’t have the tools.

Q: I’m not in the U.S., so I’m having a hard time finding the exact tools you recommend…

"A. The Postman's Knock has put together an excellent list of calligraphy suppliers around the world.
I wish calligraphy supplies were as easy to find in every country as they are in the U.S., but please don't let that stop you! I've helped students from all around the world learn calligraphy - it's totally doable with a little searching!


Q: What if I’m left-handed?

A: You can absolutely still participate in this challenge! I just recommend that you use a STRAIGHT holder instead of an oblique holder. This makes it simpler for you to figure out the optimal writing position for you.

Q: Can I still join if I’m a student in on of your courses?

A: Of course! It’ll be a fun way to revisit the basics you have learned. But, I’ll be teaching a FRACTION of what I do in my paid courses, so you probably won’t learn anything new. I save my best material for my students ;)