

I am SO STOKED to be going with you on this journey into the fun, twisty, exciting world of calligraphy style!

When I first started calligraphy in November 2015, I practiced and practiced every day. But, all of my stuff still looked the same...

Until I started really examining the work of other calligraphers and picking apart the ELEMENTS that made their styles look the way they did.

Well, I'm excited to lead you through some of the exercises that helped me to develop the range of styles I have today.


Join our Instagram PLEDGE to tackle this Style Challenge together!

  1. Scroll up and screenshot the photo above

  2. Post it to your Instagram feed or stories to tell the world you're in!

  3. Finally, tag me @CrookedCalligraphy and include #CrookedStyleChallenge




  • Sunday, January 23, 2022 - We'll be starting with the FIRST CHALLENGE ASSIGNMENT!

So keep an eye on your inbox. 'Cause I'll see ya in there soon! =)




Q. What calligraphy tools can I use for this Challenge?

A: You can use any calligraphy tools you want! (pencil, pen, brush pen, pointed pen, whatever)

Q: Can I join in the Challenge if I’m already a student in your Modern Calligraphy 101 or 201 courses?

A: Yes, of course! If you’re in MC101, this Challenge will give you a good introduction to what I teach in MC201. And if you’re already in MC201, then you can still participate for fun and for a chance to win the awesome calligraphy PRIZES!

Q: What is the daily schedule for the Challenge?

CHALLENGE ASSIGNMENT: Every day at 9am PDT, starting Sunday, January 23, 2022, the official challenge assignment will get posted in the pop-up Facebook Group and also emailed to you.

DEADLINES: You will have until 9am PDT the following day to submit a photo of your completed Challenge Assignment to the appropriate post in the pop-up Facebook Group

DAILY LIVE FEEDBACK: Each day at 3pm PDT (starting Monday, January 24, 2022), I will be going LIVE in the pop-up Facebook Group to give feedback on some of your Challenge Assignments

PRIZE WINNER ANNOUNCEMENTS: At the end of each day's 3pm PDT Live Feedback Session, I'll also be randomly selecting the day's prize winner!

Q: Can I still win the daily prize if I can’t attend the LIVE FEEDBACK AND PRIZE DRAWING each day at 3pm PDT?

A: Yes, the prize winner will be announced in the pop-up Facebook group and messaged directly via Facebook. The prize winner will have 24 hours to claim their prize. If they do not respond to the announcement or message, then another winner will be randomly selected. Read the full GIVEAWAY RULES here.

Q: Can I still participate in the Challenge if I don’t have a Facebook account?

A: You can still receive the daily Challenge Assignments, lessons and videos via email and complete the assignments on your own. However, you will not be able to submit your Challenge Assignments, or be eligible to win the daily prize drawings unless you are a member of the pop-up Facebook group.

Read the full GIVEAWAY RULES here.