EPISODE 104 - Do I Regret Entrepreneurship?

“With Freedom Comes Great Responsibility.”

“The best thing that comes out of my being self-employed, having a business, [and] being now truly an entrepreneur for life… is freedom. Is the ability to choose and determine for myself where my business is going to go, what I’m going to do that day, whether I’m going to pivot or not.” - Shinah

In a not-so-distant time ago, I was cowering under my fancy corporate lawyer desk praying no one would find me. I was miserable and dreaded waking up and going to work every day.

So I quit, and started working for myself – and then completely burned out and quit that too for a while. So when someone asks me, “Do you regret entrepreneurship?”, that is a VERY good question.

It has taken me being employed & self-employed to see that most people tend to think the grass is greener on the other side. But what if I said it’s really all an illusion?

Join me in this week's episode of The Shinah Show as I share my real time realizations from each perspective in the areas of:

  • Money – the stability of a salary vs. the potential for big wins (and big losses)

  • Time – being on someone else’s timeline with a finite end to the day vs. having the freedom to create your own workday (but work always following you home)

  • Determination – having someone motivate & praise you for a job well done vs. being your own boss and motivating yourself to get things done

Whichever path you take, you still might feel as if you’re “missing out”. However, life is full of seasons – and you can change your mind and explore your options at ANY time. It doesn’t always have to be one or the other - you can find your own balance between the two that works for your life.




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