EPISODE 91 - Perfectionism Failed Me

Perfectionism Did Not Deliver Me To The Promised Land

“If I am basically the perfect example of following the “perfectionist path” and it did not save me - It did not lead me to safety, and fulfillment, and peace – let alone happiness - then isn’t that just a pretty powerful piece of evidence that this whole perfectionism path isn’t leading us to where we think its leading us?” - Shinah

Growing up as a first-generation Korean-American, I was raised to believe that meeting “perfect” milestones would make me happy. There was never any letter other than an A on my report cards, a number other than 1600 on my SATS (and PSATS), or a university I attended with a ranking less than #1 in the nation (ok, don’t hate me – I promise it’s not all sunshine and rainbows).

But while I was on this seemingly “perfect path of perfectionism”, I was also the most unhappy I’ve ever been. This track was making me miserable rather that making me happy – which is exactly what I WASN’T expecting.

And after crawling out from underneath my desk (literally), I burned out – quite literally - and realized I had failed to maintain this ‘perfect’ lifestyle.

Join me on this episode of The Shinah Show as I recount my life story through a lens of perfectionism and share with you:

  • How perfection eventually became my façade to hide behind, rather than my reality

  • The lengths I’ve gone to in order to maintain my “perfect” records

  • How crippling the pressure of perfectionism can be

  • How I dug myself out of a constant cycle of burnout – and how you can, too

I hope this episode speaks to all of you with perfectionist tendencies, and shows you that we ALL need to give ourselves a little more grace, a little less judgement, and a damn chance to rest sometimes.



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