EPISODE 93 - The Reality of a $10K Calligraphy Job

Corporate Calligraphy - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly…

“Trust me, I don’t say this to brag – I say it to show all of you aspiring creatives and calligraphers that these jobs ACTUALLY exist!” - Shinah

350 place cards, 110 welcome cards, 40 table cards, and 8 menu templates later… I just completed my first $10k corporate calligraphy job in quite some time - And I am TIRED…

Trust me, I don’t say this to brag – I say it to show all of you aspiring creatives and calligraphers that these jobs ACTUALLY exist. It’s not uncommon to find big brands with a company portfolio requiring calligraphy for their signature events (and this client just happens to be one of them).

I want to be clear:

  • No, you probably aren't going to land you a job like this until you have years of calligraphy experience under your belt...

  • No, you cannot go out there as a newbie and charge $250 an hour,,,

  • No, being a calligrapher is not always exciting, or glamorous, or easy on the body,,,

But little by little, all those local events, orders received from family, and chances to hone your skillset build up your resume - so you CAN land those high-paying once-in-a-lifetime jobs.

Join me as I spill all the tea on what it's really like to work on a glamorous, high-stakes, celebrity-filled, luxury brand EVENT. Listen to find out:

  • How a connection I made in 2018 was the key to landing me this gig

  • The most important lessons I want to pass on to you, and

  • What I did in the “servant quarters” on the night of the event

I can’t wait to eventually share ALLLL the things I’ve learned through this extremely high-pressure, but very realistic, corporate calligraphy job (and my best tips to help you land one, too!).




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