EPISODE 99 - My "B-" Business (Part 1 of 3)

I Can Be A Bro Marketer Too!

“The number one lesson that has kept me going is… To become successful in business, you have to be willing to put out lots and lots of B- work.” - Shinah

As a recovering perfectionist, the idea of publishing “less than perfect” work way felt totally wrong early on in my business.

I would spend hours scrutinizing the tiniest of details, thinking no one would possibly take me seriously (much less buy anything from me!) otherwise. But all those hours spent overanalyzing weren’t getting me any further with my business.

So I took a course from one of my business mentors looking for answers - and I saw how she simplified her content and didn’t overthink what she put out there. To even further support her method,  I started to see all the up-and-coming “bro marketers” doing the same thing – they were putting out SUPER basic, simple content – and their numbers were BANANAS. Seeing so many creators putting out flawed content (and winning with it) inspired me to do the same – and it changed the way I operate my business forever.

Join me in this 1st episode of a 3 part series on living a “B-“ life as I discuss:

  • Why publishing B- content can make you a more flexible & successful business owner

  • How utilizing the 80/20 rule can take you from a B- to an A, and show you what your audience really wants (without spending hours polishing a turd)

  • Why imperfection and being human is more relatable to your audience, and the direction marketing is going

You DO NOT have to be an “A” person to be successful!! Being more loosey-goosey might feel weird at first, but once you see how much simpler being B- can be, I know you’ll start implementing it in your own life too.

And don’t forget to join me next week as I share the story of my “B-“ Husband (cause it’s gonna be a good one!).



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