EPISODE 130 - "No Ones Buying My Calligraphy!" (What To Do Instead Of Giving Up)

When Doing All The RIGHT Things Generates The WRONG Results

“Just because something hasn’t worked for you before, please  don’t let the catastrophizing and overgeneralizing keep you from trying again… Take those initial conclusions and get more specific… and that will tell you what factors you can control and how you can try again, but with a problem solving mentality.”- Shinah

You’ve FINALLY booked a spot at your local craft fair to sell your calligraphy. You pay the deposit, create your inventory, follow all the tips to set up the *perfect* booth, and… *crickets*.

Hundreds of people walk by, only TWO stop to peruse—and suddenly your brain goes, “This will NEVER work. I’m not cut out for this. No one’s interested in calligraphy!” Sound familiar?

Yep, we’ve all been there. It’s called “catastrophizing” – in other words, you’re jumping to the worst possible conclusion. And this is EXACTLY what one of my students, who this exact scenario happened to, did. She emailed me wondering how she could be doing all the RIGHT things and getting NO results.

So, what advice did I offer her? I asked her, “What if it’s not you, but rather the result of factors beyond your control?”. While you can be doing ALL the things, sometimes the cards just aren’t in your favor; you’re in the wrong place, at the wrong time – and that sucks. But it’s no reason to give up!

On this episode of The Shinah Show, I’m sharing with you:

  • Why a slow start sometimes has NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with your environment

  • How to pull yourself out of the catastrophizing mentality and keep going rather than throwing in the towel

  • My own experience with slow starts & the process I use to look at the whole picture and determining where to go from there

Owning a business is such a learning and growing experience – and we’re all going to have growing pains. Don’t let those slight derailments keep you sidelined and scared to push forward.

Shinah Show Episode 29 - ”Selling at Craft Fairs: Essential Advice”




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