EPISODE 129 - How To Get Over Criticism (And Sell Your Calligraphy Anyways)

It’s Not You, It’s THEM.

“Being able to do that [reframe how I think about criticism] was one of the keys to me building a million dollar a year business. You cannot go out there and make that kind of money, and make that kind of impact, and reach that many people without ruffling some feathers.” - Shinah

If you’ve ever feared someone criticizing you for selling your creative product, listen up! 

If you’re new here – welcome! My name is Shinah, and I unabashedly sell premium level curse-word laced calligraphy courses on a very public scale – and over the past 8 years, I’ve gotten a lot of shit for that.

But if you’re not new, you know those neigh sayers have just fueled me to become more outspoken. And in this week's episode, I’m going to teach you how to reframe your thinking so you can go from cringing at negative comments and worrying about putting yourself out there (like I used to!), to confidently running a million-dollar creative business too!

Here’s what you’ll learn this week:
✔️ The hidden beliefs behind negative comments (hint: they’re not really about you)
✔️ How to reframe your mindset about criticism so it empowers you instead of stopping you
✔️ Why selling your art isn’t “icky” or “wrong” (and why women especially need to hear this)

I’m here to show you the real meanings behind the harsh words people say – because no one should have the power to tear you down (especially when their own insecurities are really the issue). Let’s dive in!




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