EPISODE 74 - The Fear of putting yourself out there

how i tackle fear head-on

“ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION … I bet the consequences aren’t nearly as bad as your brain is making it out to feel.” - Shinah

Let's face it - the real reason most people don't start their own business is because of FEAR.

Those paralyzing "what ifs" in your mind ignite your true fears - fear of the unknown, fear of the judgement from others, fear of failure.... But what if there was a way to overcome those?

Last week. I held my very first "Launch Your Profitable Product" Bootcamp for all my students enrolled in my Biz Starter Guide course. I challenged them to do some HARD things - not just tangibly, but emotionally. When I posed the question to them, "What's been stopping you from starting your business?", the OVERWHELMING majority said fear.

In this week's podcast, I'm playing an excerpt from inside one of my Bootcamp live Q&A's where I share:

  • My method for tackling fear head on

  • How to be BRAVE in the face of it

  • What key question you need to answer BEFORE you start your business journey 

I promise, you are NOT alone in how you feel. But there are plenty of AMAZING things that can happen on the other side of that fear.

Go check out Goli's Podcast Lessons from a Quitter HERE!!


  • Follow along with my Radical Business Experiment of 2023 over on Instagram:  @crookedcalligraphy


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