EPISODE 75 - How Pain leads to Growth (8 Month Update)


“One of the most challenging parts of running a business is that it forces you to confront the parts of you that you’ve been AVOIDING your whole life.” - Shinah

This is a deeply personal episode and warning, I get a unabshedly sniffly for the entire second half.

I share REAL FINANCIAL NUMBERS from my latest course launch and overall year… and why they are scaring the shit out of me right now. And also, why this year is probably the BIGGEST GROWTH year, emotionally and mentally, that I’ve ever been through.

In this week's podcast, I'm walking through:

  • Real results from my recent sale of my Calligraphy Business Starter Guide Course

  • Lessons you NEED TO KNOW before going into your next launch

  • Why this launch was the cherry on top of an incredibly difficult emotional year 

I’m sharing this because I hope it makes you feel LESS ALONE.

Growing a business is so so hard… and if you’re willing to allow the hard… you emerge a softer, fuller, immensely more strong human being.

Sending my love and encouragement to you, wherever you are on your business journey. 💕


  • Follow along with my Radical Business Experiment of 2023 over on Instagram:  @crookedcalligraphy


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