EPISODE 95 - Is There Room For More Pro Calligraphers??

Is there room for new pro calligraphers in an already-crowded market?

 “I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that the world is a big enough place for all us who want to go professional” - Leslie, IG Follower

So you want to start a calligraphy business – that’s awesome! But wait… are there too many calligraphers out there already that it’s going to be impossible to create your own space and stand out in this industry?

This was an actual (and legitimate) question I got in my Instagram DM’s by a follower a few weeks ago. She was wondering if the market was too saturated for new calligraphers to make it – and let me tell you, this is NOT the first time I’ve heard this concern.

With so many established calligraphers out there already in such a niche industry, it can feel like you won’t be able to get your foot in the door (much less make money!). But in reality, this industry (and many others like it) is ever-changing – and there IS a seat at the table for you!

In this week's episode of The Shinah Show, I’m going to pop the ‘calligraphy bubble’ you’ve been living inside and show you:

  • Why there is more room in this industry than you think

  • How being a “beginner” can work to your advantage

  • Why getting over your ‘imposter syndrome’ is absolutely necessary in order to make it

There are SO many ways for you to profit from calligraphy, and so many different pockets of customers out there you probably haven’t thought of that never knew they needed you - you just have to get out there and be brave

See “Episode 52. The Easiest Way to Start a Calligraphy Business” for even more on why the market always NEEDS new businesses.

Wanna see how many different ways you can make money with your calligraphy? Join my FREE Calligraphy Biz Summer School!

Three weeks of foundational business lessons, resources and mindset reframes, to help you get closer to your calligraphy dreams

Register right HERE



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