EPISODE 96 - Starting My Biz All Over Again

How Do You Grow A Succesful Calligraphy Business?

“This took years and years of me experiencing business - and learning… I want to make this feel more doable to you” - Shinah

I broke into the calligraphy industry at one of the most ideal times.

Instagram videos were on the rise & local maker events were popping up everywhere, giving me the opportunity to network my business. Then COVID quarantined everyone, and people were looking for something to do amidst the stagnant, day-to-day monotony of being stuck inside – and calligraphy’s popularity hit an all-time high.

I rode the wave as long as I could – but it didn’t last.

Since then, I’ve had to constantly change my strategy - growing and evolving with the trends and times. It has NOT been easy (read – I NEVER went to school for business or took any business courses before starting my company) – but after throwing spaghetti at the wall for a while, I developed a 3-bucket strategy to steadily grow my sales and client base.

In this episode of The Shinah Show, I share with you:

  • How I grew Crooked Calligraphy into a million dollar plus company

  • My strategies for handling different types of clients

  • What I would change if I could do it all over again

Stepping into any industry is difficult – but with the right formula of offerings, marketing and operations, you can easily get your foot in the door, no matter what types of clients you are serving!

I have learned SO MUCH over my 8 years as a business owner – and one of the biggest lessons has been to pay it forward. I would have never gotten to where I am today without those who have gone before me sharing the necessary know-how to do so. I hope this episode makes business feel more doable and inspires you to take the leap and go after your dreams!


I’m hosting 3 weeks of foundational business lessons, resources and mindset reframes, to help you get closer to your calligraphy dreams!!

Register right HERE

This is all leading up to the doors opening to my “Calligraphy Biz Starter Guide” course on July 1st, 2024! This is the LAST time I’ll be offering it at the introductory price of $497 before its closed it for a major overhaul. Get in NOW to get the course (AND all the updates) at this price!

THE MANIFESTO (aka “What I believe in fiercely”):

There are so many of us out there…

Incredibly capable, ridiculously smart, deeply caring, brimming-with-love women…

Spending most of our precious life force trying our damndest to be “good”

The kind of badass women…

  • Who ace all our classes, and outwit anyone who dares to debate with us.

  • Who think ahead and run the big deals behind the scenes.

  • Who can see the logical flaws and ego-driven decisions of the men in charge.

  • Who are sharp and funny and anxious and can get shit done.

  • Who only cry when no one is looking.

  • Who have locked away the vulnerable little girl parts of us who used to squeal with laughter and desire hugely and stomp our feet in anger. 

All of that magnificent energy…

  • Poured into jobs where our competency is taken for granted.

  • Channeled towards buying houses in a good school districts and being temperate partners and solid mothers.

  • Directed towards everything we need to “improve” - our screen time, our belly rolls, our sleep hygiene, the attention our children need, the affection our partners deserve. 

We’re screaming inside. 


All our power and creativity and brilliant ideas, like trapped steam powering an engine on a train heading towards an empty promise. Sometimes, the scream of rage and frustration escapes our bodies and the people around us stare in shock. “That’s so unlike her…” And we have to feel sorry for that, too.

Imagine if we felt even 10% more liberated to feel our desires, to focus on the people we want around us on our deathbeds, to be wild and unhinged and adventurous, to support the causes that sing to us…

Imagine how much that would change the world. We brilliant women, starting an inner revolution of self-trust and boundaries, showing our daughters and sons how to be strong and tender. 

I am just one brilliant woman.

And, if I had stayed locked on the path I thought I had to take - corporate lawyer on the “diversity” and “women’s leadership” committees, mother of two, compulsive exerciser and intermittent faster, owner of a big house in a nice neighborhood… I would have had a pleasant life, maybe.

But my heart would have always beat out the question “what else… what else?” I would have realized too late that there’s only this one life we get to craft.

I took a jump and left law and started a calligraphy business… and as a result, I nudged thousands of women a little further towards their curiosity. I showed the 100K+ people who follow me that a different life path is possible. That taking it is hard, that it forces you to face all your darkest parts, but if you’re willing to experience that… the world opens up in ways you could never imagine. 

Except now you CAN imagine it.

You can start to glimpse a world outside of your cozy walled garden. It’s wilder and riskier and so much more ALIVE. 

Let’s take back our LIFE FORCE. We have so much of it and it’s the most precious thing in the world.

Let’s stop giving it away to power an engine to nowhere. Imagine what we could power instead. 



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