"Beating" the Algorithm

I posted about my “New Instagram Energy” on Instagram yesterday and got this comment in response:


The short answer is… WE DON’T.

Trying to “work around” the Instagram algorithm makes Instagram the boss of you. And doing things a certain way, begrudgingly, because your boss demanded it… well, that doesn’t usually lead to a healthy, long-term relationship with that behavior. Your creativity and soul fire WILL slowly die if your only goal on Instagram is to beat the algorithm.

But here’s the longer, more nuanced answer, which I’m still building faith in:

Trying to “beat” the algorithm automatically sets up an adversarial relationship with Instagram.

Like, you have to outmaneuver it to get what you want.


I used to pick up my phone dozens of times a day to check how my posts were doing. To get that little dopamine hit of likes, comments, DMs, attention, praaaaaaise!!!

In other words, I wanted Instagram (and the real human PEOPLE on it) to FEED ME ALL THE TIME.

It felt like being chained to a slot machine that I kept feeding my hard-earned fucks into and occasionally, I would get showered with validation and think “YES! I WON!!"" But most of the time, I just felt bitter and resentful at the number of likes and comments I was getting. And yet I couldn’t walk away. I couldn’t stop feeding the machine. I was addicted.

And that fucked-up relationship doesn’t just stop when you close the Instagram app.

If this is the energy you’re approaching Instagram with… it’s probably the energy you’re approaching the rest of your business, and all of your potential customers, with.

The energy of:

  • This is all so unfair

  • There are only a few winners in business and I’m probably not going to be one of them

  • My work isn’t good enough to stand on its own, so I better do all the latest tricks to get more visible

  • It’s more important to do it the “right” way than the way that truly feeds my soul

  • There’s never enough (followers, likes, comments, DMs, customers) so my biggest goal is to get more, more, more

  • I don’t trust that my best customers are out there, so I have to work really hard to convince everyone

Most creative entrepreneurs are on Instagram trying to get “seen” by the biggest number of people because they think that will bring them success (somehow).

When really, the thing that will make the biggest impact is getting seen by THE RIGHT KINDS OF PEOPLE.

People don’t buy handmade creations, works of art, calligraphy courses, etc. because they’re made by perfectly polished, algorithmically-ideal companies with massive marketing budgets.

I mean, are you really going to compete with Target or Michaels?

Customers buy from creative entrepreneurs BECAUSE OF THE ENTREPRENEUR.

>>>>So, what if the biggest priority is isn’t figuring out the algorithms, but figuring out how cultivate the juiciest, best, creative ideas inside your own self?

Like I said, I’m still building up faith in this whole idea.

So here’s the new, more trusting relationship with Instagram that I’m trying out now.

It’s basically the exact opposite of the shitty slot machine. I pour value and humor and insight and beauty into my people, who happen to be on that app, and expect NOTHING in return. Because I don’t need Instagram to feed me anymore.

The act of creating feeds me. The ideas and insights I have because I kept all of my fucks… that feeds me. The knowledge that I’m putting value out into the world… that feeds me.

And ironically, that energy ends up ATTRACTING just the right kinds of people. The people who get so much value out of the free stuff I feel inspired to share, that they can’t wait to pay me to get even more value.

…….I have faith that this approach will work. That’s why I’m trying out this CRAZY-ASS EXPERIMENT.

I’ll keep you posted on how it’s all going.

With Love & Hope,
