EPISODE 106 - Growing A Biz With No Social Media

I recently sat down with one of my former Modern Calligraphy students, Amanda. Never do I expect when I go into these conversations the inspirational journey they share with me! Join me to hear how calligraphy has provided her connection and confidence (despite hearing loss), creative ways to get calligraphy jobs that I’ve NEVER HEARD of before (with NO social media!), & how Amanda is using the profits from her calligraphy biz (hint: it involves international travel and life-threatening surgery for her husband).

EPISODE 105 - A Message I NEED You To Hear

I recently hosted my 'Calligraphy Business Inner Circle', an 8-week intensive to firmly set a small group of my students on their small business path. There were a lot of pain points we tackled, but the bigeest was "life is getting in the way". Join me in this episode as I share some “tough love” with my students (and all of you!) and give them a reality check (& a little kick in the rear) about their priorities, time management, and making “emotionally risky” decisions while going after your dreams.

EPISODE 104 - Do I Regret Entrepreneurship?

In a not-so-distant time ago, I was cowering under my fancy corporate lawyer desk praying no one would find me. I was miserable and dreaded waking up and going to work every day. So I quit, and started working for myself – and then completely burned out and quit that too for a while. So when someone asks me, “Do you regret entrepreneurship?”, that is a VERY good question. Join me as I share my perspective from both sides of the working world, the pros & cons of each, and how its possible to achieve a balance of both.

EPISODE 103 - Surprising Calligraphy Jobs

From presidential (and royal) calligraphers, to highly specialized pieces for celebrities & T.V. shows (Bridgerton anyone?, simple “pen and paper” items only scratch the surface of the calligraphy – as well as the things I’ve made throughout my 9 years as a professional calligrapher. Join me in this episode as I share some of the coolest and most unique pieces I’ve created and the stories behind how I landed these jobs!

EPISODE 99 - My "B-" Business (Part 1 of 3)

Join me in this first of 3 episodes where I discuss how I went from a self-proclaimed perfectionist, to being completely happy (and content) showing up in my business in a “B-” way. I’ll share how utilizing the 80/20 rule to publish “B-” content can turn you into a more flexible & relatable business owner (as well as give you back the hours of your life you spend overanalyzing!).

EPISODE 94 - Busting The "No Time" Myth

Who has ever said, “I’d LOVE to do that – but I have no time!” We’ve ALL said it, felt it, and truly meant it. What if I told you that instead of feeling time famished, you could find more spaciousness in your life by using your ‘time-confetti’ in a way that allows you to find those extra moments in the day? And in turn, having the time to do those things that once seemed impossible to fit in!

EPISODE 93 - The Reality of a $10K Calligraphy Job

Join me as I spill all the tea on what it's really like to work on a glamorous, high-stakes, celebrity-filled, luxury brand EVENT. Listen to find out: how a connection I made in 2018 was the key to landing me this gig, the most important lessons I want to pass on to you, and what I did in the “servant quarters” on the night of the event! I can’t wait to eventually share ALLLL the things I’ve learned through this extremely high-pressure, but very realistic, corporate calligraphy job (and my best tips to help you land one, too!).

EPISODE 92 - Making Your First $100 With Calligraphy

Imagine if listening to this podcast *right now*, could change the entire trajectory of your life?? That’s what happened when Magda - podcast listener turned calligrapher & businesswoman - tuned into the 1st episode of “The Shinah Show” after my 9-month hiatus… with no other intentions than having something to break up her day amidst working her corporate job, folding laundry & chasing after her two kids (I mean, can you relate?!?). Join me as she shares her calligraphy journey!

EPISODE 91 - Perfectionism Failed Me

Growing up as a first-generation Korean-American, I was raised to believe that meeting “perfect” milestones would make me happy. There was never any letter other than an A on my report cards, a number other than 1600 on my SATS (and PSATS), or a university I attended with a ranking less than #1 in the nation (ok, don’t hate me – I promise it’s not all sunshine and rainbows). But while I was on this seemingly “perfect path of perfectionism”, I was also the most unhappy I’ve ever been. This track was making me miserable rather that making me happy – which is exactly what I WASN’T expecting.